Shetland Space Centre is seeking views on a change to the status of the airspace around its proposed Lamba Ness rocket launch site.
In accordance with Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) rules, before launches can take place an “airspace change” process must be undertaken, ensuring that rockets are protected from other air users.
An online questionnaire is available for stakeholders and members of the public to complete via this link:
Drop-in sessions will also be held in Lerwick on Thursday 19th December from 4pm-7pm in the Mareel foyer and in Unst on Wednesday 8th January from 3pm-6pm in the Saxa Vord main building reception. Forms will be made available for interested parties to fill in.
SSC project director Scott Hammond said: “This is in important part of our preparations for rocket launches from Unst so I would ask anyone with a view on the change of airspace to go online or attend one of our drop-in sessions and complete the questionnaire.
“It is important to emphasise, however, that this separate from our planning application which will come later. Nor does it relate to safety, which will be regulated by government guidelines that are in development.”